  • North America

  • Europe

  • Africa

  • Asia/Pacific

How it Works
Install your EP Cube!
Install your EP Cube system
Enroll in the Program
To enroll in a VPP program in your region, download the EP Cube App and open the VPP Programs tab, select the respective program and you can enroll directly from the app.
Send your Power to the Grid
After enrollment, your battery will be activated 30-60 times annually, typically during summer (June–September) between 3pm–8pm, to either support the grid or power your home. Each event lasts 2-3 hours,and the program automatically renews each year.
Earn Cash
You’ll earn rewards for allowing your EP Cube battery system to discharge energy when the grid needs it. Incentives vary based on performance and depend on your state and utility provider.
Earn Money by Supporting the Grid
Through this Program, customers of National Grid, Eversource, Rhode Island Energy and Cape Light Compact with EP Cube systems can choose to send their extra, stored power to the grid to help reduce demand and lower the amount of pollution generated during peak hours.
Incentive: varies by utility/state
MA $275/kW in summer
RI $225/kW in summer
Season: June 1st – September 30th
Event hours: 3–8pm, 30–60 events
Program Type: pay-for-performance
Frequently Asked Questions
We will list questions and their answers about the program in this section.

The EP Cube is available in 4 options


Enroll Into These Programs Using the EP Cube App

Learn more about the VPP feature by downloading the EP Cube App in your app store.